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Huddle Rooms
Innovation and simplicity make for good decisions and smart collaboration


Whether for an offhand huddle or a formal meeting, meeting rooms play a vital role in the modern workplace facilitating interaction between different stakeholders and collaboration between teams.
Recent technological evolutions have transformed the way we work enabling complex and high performance functionality with systems that are easy to use for anybody and affordable on any budget.
Huddle rooms, spaces suited to small working groups, ideation rooms, all equipped with interactive systems that facilitate teamwork and the sharing of ideas – we fit out even the smallest meeting rooms with the best technologies and collaboration tools to be functional, flexible and smart..


Innovation and simplicity make for good decisions and smart collaboration
Video meeting rooms. Ready to use videoconferencing

Huddle rooms can be specially designed for intensive videoconferencing use.

When videoconferencing sessions last hours and involve a continual exchange of documents and data there are a number of aspects to consider:

  • At least two monitors big enough and suitably positioned to be seen from a distance give the sensation of actual presence: one for the video and a second one for viewing documents.
  • Video camera: moving the video camera should not create distractions, but poorly directed camera angles can ruin a meeting.
  • Table: the video meeting room table must be wired up, and the right shape and position to be easily visible, making life simpler for the user.
  • Acoustics and lighting: for a meeting to go smoothly without exhausting the participants, the acoustics and lighting of the room have to be right. These aspects should not be ignored.
  • Position of furnishings and devices: using a video camera on wheels can provide flexibility, but is also a source of uncertainty or approximation. Fixing its position will make it easier and more immediate to use.
Video meeting rooms. Ready to use videoconferencing Video meeting rooms. Ready to use videoconferencing Video meeting rooms. Ready to use videoconferencing
Our solutions

We guarantee a simple and intuitive experience by carefully choosing the best technology solution for any type of meeting. We guide you through the many solutions on the market to pick the one that best suits your business.

  • Cutting edge audio and video systems that allow you to see and hear really well;
  • Videoconferencing to connect you with remote teams;
  • Automated control systems for every tech component in the workspace;
  • Room booking systems;
  • Wireless presentation systems to share the content of any device;
  • Interactive whiteboards and teamworking devices;
  • Ready to use collaboration and videoconferencing solutions, such as Skype Room Systems.
Our solutions
Benefits for you

We break down the barriers to communication, collaboration and successful teamwork. We turn your rooms into Smart Meeting Rooms to accelerate your business with our reliable, user-friendly and economical AV solutions.

  • Providing reliable and simple to use technologies.
  • Facilitating the decision-making process and stimulating innovation and improved collaboration
  • Enabling remote teams to work together, getting the best people for the most important decisions around the same table, wherever they happen to be.