A team of experienced designers meticulously studies and designs the best solutions and technologies to meet the technological and economic needs of our clients
Since 2000 we have been helping companies to work more efficiently and productively.
We design, deploy and support complex integrated videoconferencing and AV systems for workplace collaboration.
A team of experienced designers meticulously studies and designs the best solutions and technologies to meet the technological and economic needs of our clients
Our consultants are dedicated to thoroughly analyzing the client’s requirements and needs to propose the best solutions and the most suitable services
We realize complex, 360° videoconferencing and Audio-Video integration projects in Italy and around the world
Our team plans and implements dedicated end-user training projects to promote the adoption of new technologies in the enterprise, at all levels
On-site and remotely we support customers from technical assistance to parts replacement to equipment repair
Convenience and practicality: video conferencing systems in 3-, 4-, or 5-year operating rental agreement.
16-21 MAGGIO PIAZZA XXV APRILE, MILANO Un’iniziativa unica: dal 16 al 21 maggio 2022 a Milano, in Piazza XXV Aprile, vi aspettiamo al Modern Workplace Hub di STIM Tech Group. Saremo quelli nel Conta...
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ReadIl progetto dell’Auditorium Mediaset dell’architetto Barbara Fassoni è stato premiato con Menzione d’Onore da OPAL – Outstanding Property Award London, un riconoscimento che prem...
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